Our divisions are organised by skill and competency, enabling riders of similar abilities to compete against each other regardless of age, experience, or gender.

Ability Based Divisions:

1.  Rookie Single Wake Jumps, Slides, 180’s.

2.  Straight Air Wake to wake jumps including 180’s and Grabs.

3Inverter Up to 4 intermediate tricks including 360 Spins, Raley & Inverts.

4.  Advanced Unlimited inverts and spins up to 540. No Mobes.

5.  Mobe Up to 4 Mobes and Spins to 720.

6.  Open Unlimited tricks, no limits.

7.  Classic18+ All Tricks allowed from Straight Air, Inverter and Advanced Divisions. This is for the riders who are keen to have some fun with friends on the water and enjoy the competition day!

9.  Adaptive Unlimited tricks

In the interest of fair play the judges reserve the right to ask a rider to either ride up or down a division depending on what is deemed appropriate based on the person’s ability.

State Titles Competitors are required to ride in their applicable age division.

Wakeboard Australia Rules RULE BOOK